Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Panda Express Free Entree ~Two offers!

There are two different offers going on that will get you a free single entree at Panda Express. The first one does require a purchase, but could be a pop. You can get that coupon HERE and it does expire 7/11.

Experience Pandamonium with a Thai twist. Visit a Panda Express and get a FREE single entree serving of Thai Cashew Chicken Breast. This offer is good for one day only on Wednesday, 7/14 at participating locations. Get your coupon now HERE!  No purchase necessary.

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1 comment:

  1. they changed the first coupon to read only after 9pm... grrr, here I thought I was having lunch today. LOL!

    guess I'll just wait for next Wednesday. :)

    Thanks Karen!!!


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