Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Strib...now .75 for daily paper.

It was on the news last night that the price of the daily Star Tribune will now be .75 a paper each day.  Though there is suppose to be a bright side to those living in Washington, Ramsey, and Dakota counties.....your papers will still be .50, so they can compete with the Pioneer Press.

So, be prepared when you head in on Saturday to get your early edition paper.

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  1. ha, i only find this funny b/c i live in a li'l SW corner of lino lakes where literally just down the rd on cty rd J is Shoreview, which is Ramsey Cty instead of Anoka. I guess i'll be going there to buy my saturday paper.

  2. Anonymous--who are you? haha. we love close to one another. I will do tha same.


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