Tuesday, November 9, 2010

$4 Wholly Guacamole coupon

Would you like a $4 off Wholly Guacamole coupon? Celebrate todaY by printing the attached coupon and save $4 off anY one (1) WhollY product! This is as close as we can get to FREE and still call it a coupon!! Head over HERE.

You can print this coupon twice, but you HAVE to click on the print coupon button again.  Do NOT hit the back button or you will not get a second print.

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  1. Hi - I just tried using them at Rainbow and they wouldn't take them. They even had them posted on a board not to take them. Have you tried them anywhere yet? thanks

  2. I haven't tried to use them yet. Is there a reason that they said they wouldn't take them?

  3. Our Pickn'Save wouldn't take them...said they were counterfeit!


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