Saturday, January 24, 2009

Champlin Library Class ~ SUCCESS

Thanks so much to all the men and women who showed up today. I found out later that there were 12 people on the waiting list! Please be sure to email the library and let them know your thoughts on the class. They would love to have the feedback of the programs that they offer.

I am working on getting a 2nd class offered, but it won't be through the library until fall. So I will be updating this site on where the next one will be held when I know.

Remember...if you have any questions, please post them on the site or send me a quick note through email. I don't bite and I love to help!

1 comment:

  1. Karen,
    A BIG thank you for all the GREAT information on how EASY and FUN it is to save LOTS of money. I'm anxiously waiting for your next class.


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