Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fare for All ~ Angel Food Ministries

Some of you might be wondering what those two names mean in the opening. Both are places that will help you with your food bill as they buy in bulk and then pass the savings onto you. I know times are tough when it comes to jobs, as my DH is still laid off since Feb 1st.

I was reading over both sites and though you are limited to what they are offering, they are offering it at a discount from what you would pay for it in the store.

If you are trying to make ends meet with the grocery bill and want quality food, please check out these sites, Angel Food Ministries and Fare for All.
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  1. Thanks for posting this! I just found out about them myself last week. My husband was laid off on February 4th and has been ever since. We finally ran out of money last month and have had to go to food shelters and our church for help.
    I wish people had told me about these two places a long time ago!

  2. I tried the local Fare for All and ended up with bacon that had gone bad. Most everything else seems ok. A little different from traditional food. Most of the things were expired, but frozen. Hopefully they were frozen in time, unlike the bacon.


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